Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summer Things to Do "Inspiration Wall"

Now, almost 1 month into summer I FINALLY did it! I made and posted my list of things I'd like to do with the kids during our summer break. Back in spring, I saw a similar visual Summer Bucket List on Pinterest (I think) and since I am a very visual person I absolutely LOVED the idea of it. I have made ours more of an "Inspirational Wall" since we already have a lot of camping planned, and just wont have time to do ALL of these ideas. I have posted these ideas up in our kitchen, perfectly viewed from our kitchen table. In the beginning of summer I actually decided not to make this, I wanted to keep my little adventure ideas a secret from the kids in order to create that whole wow factor. After much deliberation I changed my mind; I decided I liked the idea of letting the kids in on my thoughts as a way to keep them on their toes! Good kids = fun times. Brilliant right? ...I'll let you know! For now I just had to share it!

If you LOVE this too, and want to make your own, here is a LINK to some great things to do in Winnipeg, Manitoba to get you started! (And BTW if your following me on Pinterest, many of these ideas are on my Summer Bucket List Board!)

The idea I based this on is found HERE


  1. I love this!!! I would like to know what font you used and where you got the pattern on the bottom of each page.

    1. Thanks! Futura Condensed Extra Bold is the font, and I made the patterns in Adobe Illustrator.
