Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Writing a Pysanky!!

Last night I joined my daughter's Girl Guides of Canada Sparks Unit on a field trip. We went to the Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre (here in Winnipeg) to learn about the art of writing a Pysanky. This is SUCH a beautiful craft! I had such a great time, and just had to share our experience. 

Here are a few things we learned:
This is one of the main tools used, its a Traditional Kistka.

Hmmm smells like honey! Beeswax is also needed to write a Pysanky.
It "goes in" the Kistka.

A candle, for heating/melting the wax that is in the Kistka, that will be used to write a Pysanky.

Egg Dyes. We used yellow, orange, red, and then black, all in that order.

And this is how "we" write a Pysanky!

To learn all the details I would highly recommend an educational visit to the Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre!! It was a GREAT experience!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wonderful Wizarding World

Like most 8 year old boys these days, my son loves anything "Harry Potter". And my little girl doesn't stray far from the interest of most kindergarten girls. If it's about princesses, dressing up and anything fairytale or magical, my 5 year old adores it. So if your kids share the same interests, and you want to feed those imaginations, this post is for you. 

"Bathtub Potions" have been a favourite around here for a while. If you've got kids you know all about the magical mixings of soaps, shampoos, and bubble bath! And now that Spring has sprung here in Winnipeg "Backyard Potions" have made a strong comeback; thanks to the reminder from the kids' friend, J!

Perhaps these backyard potions aren't as popular as the bathtub variety, so let me just confirm the real magical power of these mixings. I had no idea how magical these potions really were, until I saw it with my own eyes. However I'm sure my idea of magic differed from my kids' ideas. The magic I saw was the shared common interest between a brother and a sister three years different. Sunday morning they were in the backyard creating real magic. They were talking the "same language", sharing ideas, and for a moment living in the same fantasy world! Well I did what most moms would do; I scrambled through everything I could trying to gather props to foster this moment of pure imagination & creation that was happening between the children who as of late would rather yell, whine, tattle tale, and bug each other to no end.

So here is what I came up with, substitute as needed:
-Kinder Egg containers (those little yellow containers that house the "surprise" found in the Kinder Egg chocolate) 
-a small plastic organizer (meant for small office supplies like paper clips & thumb tacs ) previously bought from the DollarStore (phew! glad THAT dollar didn't end up being a waste)
- a variety of old *past due?* spices & herbs. These are very authentic looking ingredients, that easily pass for "dried frog spit" as my son called it. Anything from plain black pepper, to Oregano to Mustard or Celery seed.
-old medicine cups & droppers
-a variety of contianers to mix in, or to use to "sprinkle with"
-toothpicks for mixing potions
- and maybe most importantly (at least to the girls) is sparkles of any kind (It's the *magic*)

The rest is pretty self explanatory, just give it to your kids and watch the "magic" happen!!

I would have LOVED to put this together and given it as a surprise gift to my children.... although they were pretty surprised & VERY thankful! However without their lead, I would not have thought of this on my own!
The best part is (besides watching your children create a magical world) is that most of the items are free (found around the house), or bought from your local Dollar Store. Also these "potion packs" can be refilled over & over again! 
Hope your kids enjoy it as much as mine did!!
don't forget the stick from the backyard tree- carve off some of the bark & *POOF* a real magical wand!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy & MAGICAL Easter to you!!!

STOP Easter Egg hunters!!! KEEP those KINDER EGG SURPRISE containers!!

To all those parents of children who like Harry Potter and or MAGICAL things.
And to all those parents who like to REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE. AND like CHEAP EASY hours of fun for their children... STAY TUNED, and check back I will have a post for you!!!

Ideas, Photos, and instructions to follow!!!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Goal...

This spring & summer, with family {& camera} in tow, I want to try to visit as many "local" places as I can. If I can manage this, THIS is where I will post the results... sort of like a mini review... lets see what happens!!!

Here is one place I REALLY want to go this year:

Check back soon, I will be adding other things I want to SEE & DO!!!