OK, so as some of you might know prior to summer break, I was feverishly planning and preparing for the school break with full intentions of sharing all of my findings with all (3?) of you! And if you couldn't tell, I was highly frightened of having to entertain 3 active kids of varying ages and stages 24/7. Well after weeks of searching for easy, fun, cheap and or free Winnipeg or Manitoba based family activities, and after spending as much time formatting all of that info - I just realized something.... NONE of that planning & preparing has mattered one single bit. NOPE, NOTTA! Do you know why? Because it was never about them (the children) it was about me, yep capital M.E. Imagine that! What a concept! HA! Who is that anyway?
You see, as summer was approaching I became increasingly aware of this fear that had developed... Honestly I just was not looking forward to the 60ish upcoming days of fighting, bickering, screaming (yep my kids scream...and then so do I), tattling, the crying, the whinning, and the never ending complaining of boredom. Yep, I was afraid of all of that, and more so; how I was going to deal with it?! SO, I knew my best bet was to plan and be prepared! Well lets just say I was more prepared than a troop of Girl Guides going to camp! I had daily schedules drawn up, ideas of things to do close to home on a sunny day, things to do close to home on a rainy day. I had a list of places we (my family) wanted to go, divided into places we could go spontaneously or the places we would need to plan in order to go. I had everything figured out right down to the T (what does that even mean?). But guess what? As we are into our second week of summer I have barely even gave that booklet (yes it was a booklet) a second look. Well, what the HECK? Why did I waste my time? Why isn't my plan working, Why do I not want to do all those wonderful things I planned? Well I have come to realize I am in a funk... I have been a Stay At Home mom for YEARS now, and I am BURNT OUT! I AM DONE. FINISHED, FINNITTO! I GOT NOTHING left! But apparently that was not in my plans!
So, holding true to my style, I searched out a book, or an article(s) on "How to stay motivated as a SAHM" or "SAHM in a rut" etc. etc..... FINALLY I came across something worth reading and DEFINITELY worth sharing!
Mom Body and Soul
It's a great blog about personal development, about being your own person, and not just mom... I started to get back this way of thinking prior to having my last child... but I had forgotten all of it since having to keep my little man alive! Well now that he is a healthy, robust, growing and well developing 16 month old... I think it's safe to say it's okay to start putting my needs first again (at least some times).
SOOOO... Maybe this summer isn't about them? Maybe it's about me. Wow that sounds WEIRD!! I just know that if Im happier, the rest will follow.... so my advice to you about Surviving Summer... Try to make your self happy, however you need to. Put your needs first. Be your own person, and love you... Then you will have more to give, right? RIGHT?... I guess we'll see. Alls I know is something has got to change, and we only have the power to change ourselves!! Wish me luck! And good luck to you! ;)